El 19 de diciembre de 2008, el movimiento Free Gaza zarpó desde Chipre en dirección a Palestina.
Nuestro objetivo era romper el bloqueo israelí sobre la franja de Gaza.
Fuimos los últimos extranjeros que lograron entrar y quedarse en Gaza.
Nos vimos envueltos en algo que nadie se esperaba.
On december 19th 2008, the Free Gaza movement sailed from Cyprus to Palestine.
Our objective was to break the Israeli siege over the Gaza Strip.
We were the last and only foreigners to enter and stay in the territory.
We got involved in something that nobody expected.
Nuestro objetivo era romper el bloqueo israelí sobre la franja de Gaza.
Fuimos los últimos extranjeros que lograron entrar y quedarse en Gaza.
Nos vimos envueltos en algo que nadie se esperaba.
On december 19th 2008, the Free Gaza movement sailed from Cyprus to Palestine.
Our objective was to break the Israeli siege over the Gaza Strip.
We were the last and only foreigners to enter and stay in the territory.
We got involved in something that nobody expected.
Erased-wiped off the map from CIES IMATGES on Vimeo.
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